When you are looking at buying a pair of boots or shoes, it is helpful to look into what kind of stitching or method has been used to construct the footwear.
Today we will talk about one of those methods called the Stroble Stitched method.

We will go over what it is, how to identify the stitch in your footwear, what costs to expect when getting a shoe repaired with this method, as well as some examples of shoes or boots you can purchase made with the Stroble Stitch method.
Because there are several different kinds of construction methods out there, we will also compare and go over some of those options to help you in your shoe and boot shopping journey.
What is the Stroble Stitched method?
Most commonly used to construct athletic shoes, the Strobel method stitches a sock (or board) called a Strobel into the upper of the shoe.
The boards are stitched using a Strobel sewing machine. Once completed, the upper with the Strobel board attached to its bottom is then cemented to the outsole and midsole, thus completing the construction of the shoe.
This method gives the wearer a lightweight and flexible shoe, which is ideal for athletes or someone wanting a lightweight shoe that will last a while longer than if it were just cement constructed.
How to tell a shoe has a Strobel Stitch construction
There will be visible stitching all along the perimeter of the footbed inside the shoe.
You may need to remove an insole or orthotic to see the stitching. The footbed material with the stitching you see is the actual Strobel board!
There can also be a stitch all along the outside of the shoe above the sole.
There are a few different variations of the Strobel stitch, so in some of them, you will not see the stitch on the outside while in some of them you will only see the stitch on the inside.
Can this type of footwear be resoled? How much will it cost you?
The cobbler that repairs a shoe with the Strobel construction method is an uncommon specimen.
The Strobel method involves the use of a special sewing machine, which is costly and likely not a common piece of equipment due to the need for room for other machines needed for more common repairs.
If you do happen to come across a cobbler who can repair your shoes using the Strobel method, shops tend to give a bid of $60-$120 with a warning of increased prices depending on materials and labor.
The Strobel method would be one of those pricier repairs due to the need for the Strobel board, stitching with the special machine and the cement used for gluing the uppers and bottoms together.
In what kind of footwear can you see this type of stitching?
You can see the Strobel method used in a variety of different types of shoes. Athletic shoes, basketball shoes, boots, sneakers, and tennis shoes.
Of all of these types of shoes, you are likely to most often see the Strobel construction method used in the making of athletic shoes, like Jordans, Adidas, and Nikes.
There are also some everyday sneakers that resemble Converses called Doucal’s sneakers that are made using this method.
You can also see this method is preferred in some children’s footwear due to the flexibility and waterproofing the Strobel stitch and board gives.
You will see that it also is used in the making of work boots and work sneakers. You can even find this construction method used in nice business loafers or Oxfords.
Examples of cemented sole footwear
Pros and Cons of the Strobel construction method
- Lightweight and flexible construction method, ideal for athletic shoes.
- Efficient use of materials in the Strobel shoe construction method.
- Water resistant.
- Variety of types of footwear made using this method to choose from.
- Repair is a hassle due to the lack of Strobel sewing machines.
- Repair costs are higher due to more materials used in this method.
- May not be as waterproof as a shoe made using a different higher quality stitch and material, like the Goodyear or Norwegian construction method.
Strobel Stitching is good but may be costly down the road
The Strobel stitched method in footwear is great for when you need a shoe that is lightweight but has more durability than just a cemented sole.
The Strobel stitch and Strobel board are nice additions to your footwear when you need that extra bit of comfort and stability.
You may find yourself, however, replacing your shoes completely within a year or two of use rather than getting them professionally repaired due to the higher cost.
The materials needed and the special sewing machine required guarantee a more expensive repair.
Some people may be ok with investing in repairing their Nikes or Jordans that they love, but many will find the hassle of finding a cobbler who will even be able to do it a big turn-off.
It comes down to what you are willing to deal with and what you desire the most with your footwear.
Alternatives to cemented sole footwear
There are many other ways shoes are constructed and if you’re wondering which one is the best there’s no good answer to that since we all want different things from our footwear.
And since each one of these methods has their pros and cons I invite you to check out the methods and make your own opinion regarding which method suits you best.
Some other ways soles are attached include…
The takeaway
When shopping for shoes or boots, ask yourself first what you need in a pair of good pair of boots or shoes…
- Do you need waterproof qualities?
- Flexibility or lightweight construction?
- Are you going to want to be able to repair your shoe down the road, and if so, do you have a cobbler able to do that specific repair?
These are some of the questions you’ll want to answer for yourself as you research the type of shoes and construction methods they are made with.
After sifting through the information you’ve compiled and gathered, you are sure to find yourself in the perfect pair of shoes or boots! Happy hunting!
Team Members Working On This Page

Sondra Claflin – Writer And Researcher
Hi! My name’s Sondra and I am one of the researchers and writers here at BestForMyFeet.com. I have 5 kids who I spend my days teaching and caring for. I’m married now for 13 years to my dear husband Art, who helps his folks run a housecleaning business as well as a side business of his own for general contracting and home remodel. I’m just a high school graduate who decided to raise a family and keep the home.

Victor Adrian – Editor And Webmaster
Construction Professional, driver, crane operator, cleaner, head chef … these are just some of the jobs I did in the past. Working in all these different environments taught me that having good footwear to protect your feet from different dangers at work IS PARAMOUNT for any worker! On this website, I aim to share all my knowledge and personal experience in dealing with different footwear and foot care issues, and hopefully, you can get something out of it. Enjoy!